Consecrated Life: A gift for the Church | Custodia Terrae Sanctae

Consecrated Life: A gift for the Church

“Re-creating in oneself, as much as possible, the way of life that the Son of God took on when he came into the world” (POST-SYNODAL APOSTOLIC EXHORTATION, CONSECRATED LIFE 16)

“An invitation that brings together the different cultures that are facing each other in order to reflect on the foundations of the identity of the consecrated life in the Church and in the world and on the formation needs in contemporary contexts.”

“The consecrated life is at the very heart of the Church as a decisive element for her mission, since it expresses the intimate nature of the Christian vocation and the tension of the entire Church as Bride toward a union with her one Spouse.”

This mosaic does a good job of explaining the mission of consecrated life in the Church. This year is dedicated to the consecrated life and this means that the dioceses from around the world are promoting gatherings and reflection. For this reason, from April 21 to 23, institutes for the consecrated life and societies for the apostolic life from Galilee and Jerusalem came together in the Holy Land.

Archbishop, Secretary for CIVCSCA
The beauty of the consecrated life lies in holiness and in the fruit of holiness. In the logo of the Year for the Consecrated Life, we wanted to represent the spirit that floats on the water. But the waters in this place have the form of a mosaic. In this mosaic, we wish to represent the beauty of the consecrated life in the diversity of the Charisms.

During the meeting held in Jerusalem in the Auditorium of the Notre Dame Pontifical Center, about 500 consecrated people from different religious communities gathered together. The majority were foreigners who have been living in the Holy Land for many years and who at the service of the local church, with all of its challenges.

Archbishop, Secretary for CIVCSVA
“What the Church is asking for is a creative fidelity. Loyalty does not mean staying in the same place, but where we need to be and if we have to go, we go, always following the breath of the Spirit.”

The three-day gathering ended on the morning of April 23, with the celebration of the Holy Mass at the Holy Sepulcher, on the day when the Custody of the Holy Land celebrated its 800th anniversary. Fr. José Rodríguez drew attention to a consecrated life that is passionate for Christ, and that here at the Holy Sepulcher was a witness of the Resurrection.

Ecumenical Missionaries
“I always consider it a gift of the Lord to be called to follow Him more closely.”

Sisters of the Sacred Heart of the Word Incarnate
“The world needs witnesses who believe in the Resurrection, and we, with our lives, are announcing the Resurrection of Christ. A different life—life in which peace and joy will reign in everyone’s heart—is possible.”

“Consecrated people are a sign of God in different aspects of life; they are yeast for the growth of a more just and fraternal society; they are prophecy of sharing with the poor and little ones. When understood and lived out in this way, consecrated life can been seen like it really is: as a gift from God, a gift from God to the Church, a gift from God to His people! Every consecrated person is a gift to the people of God on their journey.”

Text in graphic: Pope Francis