Chronicle of Holy Week in Harissa | Custodia Terrae Sanctae

Chronicle of Holy Week in Harissa

Palm Sunday, 16th March: the faithful are gathered in the square of the Seminar where Fr. Ibrahim blesses the olive branches. We make our way to the church in a procession, singing hymns in Arabic and in Italian.

The start of Holy Week also marks the start of the retreat for the postulants and for the faithful: three days of intense prayer and reflection dictated by Fr. Ibrahim. The subjects for reflection are some acts of liberation enacted by God throughout the history of salvation and they will be the key in interpreting the great liberation that God will enact with the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
During Holy Week, the church of Harissa is in all its finery. The Presbytery is decorated with drapes that fall down the walls to the ground and weave their way through vases of flowers artfully placed around the altar.

The Choir, expertly trained by our postulants, sings in Italian and in Arabic, enhancing the participation of the faithful who have easily learned the songs to solemnize the Easter liturgy. Monday, 17th March: after Lauds and breakfast, there was the first meeting of the Retreat. We read and reflected together on the liberation of the three young men from the white-hot furnace (Daniel 1; 3,1-97).After an introduction and pause of personal reflection, we shared what the Word suggested to each of us. Fr. Ibrahim then closed the meeting.

This meeting was repeated with the faithful who deliberately came one hour before the afternoon Mass: Daniel was read, silence and a word of comment and meditation. After Mass, we prayed Vespers together with the faithful. Fr. Antonino read the short reading in Arabic. Then, at 9.00 p.m. we prayed the Compline in Arabic with the people.

Tuesday, 18th March: today’s reading talks to us of the liberation of Daniel from the lion’s den (Dn 6). The personal reflections shared were very profound and closely touched on what the Lord had done in each of our lives. The Lord has enacted many liberations in our lives! The day then passed as yesterday, both for the Franciscan fraternity, in a climate of concentration and meditation, and for the pastoral life, suggesting to the faithful the same meditation and sharing the prayer of Vespers and Compline.

Wednesday, 19th March: the liberation of St. Peter from prison (At 12,1-19) was the theme of the third day of the retreat, enriched by reading the Acts of the Apostles 4,1-23; 5,17-33.

During his visit, the Father General insisted on the importance of sharing the Word in formation and in the life of the Community. In these three days, we saw how fruitful and beautiful this sharing was.

Thursday, 20th March: In the morning, the Community of Harissa took part in the Chrismal Mass, presided by the Bishop Boulos Dahdah. Then we celebrated, with a solemn lunch, the institution of the Eucharist and of the Priesthood, with particular wishes to Fr. Angelo and Fr. Ibrahim.

After lunch, the whole Community was mobilized: some cleaning the house, others in church for the hangings, whilst the climate and meditation of the start of the Easter Triduum kept our hearts uplifted.

In the afternoon, the church was crowded with the children of local families, and lots of their friends who had come out of curiosity! The Solemn Mass thus began with the washing of the feet and the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. It was lovely to see the happy smiling faces of the children whilst Fr. Angelo washed their feet and fondly tickled each of them. The presbytery was decorated beautifully: multicoloured drapes flowed down from the covered crucifix and wound round vases of flowers on the ground. It was all the work of Fr. Antonino and with him, all the friars and postulants who worked under his guidance.

After Holy Mass, the Adoration of the Eucharist began, with a large number of the faithful, many groups of the OFS, Gifra and other associations. Many people came to pray from the very first light of dawn (at four in the morning). Some postulants kept Jesus company until daybreak. In the meantime the Confessional was always occupied by faithful who were renewing their pact of loving God above everything.

Good Friday, 21st March: the Via Crucis of the parish of Dar’un-Harissa began at 9.30 a.m., starting from a church high in the mountains. We also took part, to share in this rite of Holy Week with the parish. The sun, with a strong sirocco wind, was scorching and although the road downhill made the two kilometres to walk less difficult, it was uphill again to the convent of Harissa! but nobody complained about the heat.

In church, the hangings were changed to black. Everything was in mourning, even the women were dressed in black. The dead Christ was laid in front of the altar. The liturgy of the Passion was very sober. Fr. Ibrahim spoke of Judas and said that Judas did not suddenly betray his Lord, but the process of betrayal was long and made up of many small acts against loyalty, until, three years later, the great betrayal. He then reminded us to recognise the many small infidelities towards the Lord and towards our neighbour that we do in our lives.

Saturday, 22nd March: before starting the Easter Vigil, Fr. Ibrahim explained the liberation of the chosen people from the slavery of the Pharaoh and the crossing of the Red Sea, relating it to the liberating act of God enacted with the Easter-passage of Jesus from death to life. The Vigil began at midnight and when it was over everybody was in the convent to exchange Easter greetings, with the comfort of stylishly coloured eggs and other sweet treats.

Easter Sunday, 23rd March: after the Mass of 10 o’clock, everybody was again in the convent for a joyous exchange of Easter greetings. The same joy was then transferred to the refectory. In the afternoon, with Fr. Ibrahim, the postulants joined their families to continue to Jordan where, with other postulants from Ain-Karem, they were able to enjoy a few days’ rest. Brother Nash’at, Brother Antonino, Brother Pierre and I remained in the convent.

We all worked well and together: in a spirit of collaboration and everybody’s helpfulness. We also all prayed well. It is so beautiful to share together, in the Community, the joy of the Resurrected Christ at every moment of the day! And, brothers of all the Custody, you were all present in our prayers.

Fr. Angelico PILLA OFM
Guardian Harissa