Custodial Vicar Celebrates Solemn Mass at Our Lady of Sorrows | Custodia Terrae Sanctae

Custodial Vicar Celebrates Solemn Mass at Our Lady of Sorrows

In accordance with the customs and usages, the Custodial Vicar, Father Artemio Vitores, was the principal concelebrant of Solemn Mass celebrated at Calvary’s Our Lady of Sorrows altar on the last Friday before Holy Week.

Prior to the Vatican II liturgical reform, the universal Church celebrated the Solemnity of Our Lady of Sorrows on the Friday before Palm Sunday. The feast was instituted by Benedict XIII in 1727. [1]

Vatican II eliminated the feast days that occurred more than once during the year. In Jerusalem, the most solemn feasts are those that were eliminated. Thanks to the status quo, this Mass, at the later-than-usual hour of 8:00 a.m., has been maintained. Note that the 6:30 a.m. Mass is solemnly sung at Calvary, either at the altar of Our Lady of Sorrows or at the altar of the Crucifixion, every Friday. [2]

In his homily at this Mass, Father Artemio invited the large, prayerful assembly to take the Virgin Mary as a model, to learn to be like her, believers standing at the foot of the Cross. He repeated to the crowd the invitation that was first issued by Christ himself, to receive her as a Mother, a mother in whom we can place all our trust.

While Holy Week should direct us toward Christ, on this Friday at Calvary it was good to turn our eyes to the Virgin Mary, she who “meditated on all these in her heart”.


[1] The September Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows is later, having been instituted in 1814 by Pius VII.
[2] The status quo establishes that the friars are authorized to celebrate one sung Mass every day at the Tomb or, once a week, at Calvary. Friday was chosen for the Franciscans celebration at Calvary; however, if a particular feast day falls on a Friday, the Mass at Calvary can be switched to another day.