George W. Bush in Bethlehem | Custodia Terrae Sanctae

George W. Bush in Bethlehem

In the past few days, many simple and devout pilgrims have come to adore the Child Jesus in the historic Grotto of His birth in Bethlehem, but the cameras were all trained on one major figure of world politics: George W. Bush, President of the United States.

Extraordinary security measures were adopted in Bethlehem on Thursday, the 10th of January. The city seemed dead. The main road and Manger Square were closed from the early hours of the morning. The shopkeepers in the area had been obliged to keep their shops shut. Hundreds of policemen checked the whole route of the American delegation. Marksmen were in position on the roof of the Basilica of the Nativity and on the nearby buildings. No group of pilgrims was able to enter Bethlehem to visit the sanctuaries all morning.

President Bush arrived at the Basilica just after 2:00 p.m. In the atrium, the superiors of the Orthodox and Armenian communities and the Custos of the Holy Land welcomed the famous pilgrim. Observing the rules of the status quo and the stringent security rules, the Greek Orthodox Patriarch Theophilus III accompanied President Bush into the basilica; the Armenians welcomed him into the part reserved to them and the Custos, Brother Pierbattista Pizzaballa and Brother Athanasius Macora welcomed him to and guided him in the Church of St. Catherine. In the Grotto of St. Jerome, Brother Athanasius read the Gospel passage of the nativity. The US President was very attentive to all the explanations and carefully observed all the places he visited, showing emotion and religious respect in this Holy Place.

At the specific request of the White House, the President then went down alone into the Grotto of the Nativity for a moment of personal prayer.

The visit, which lasted for a total of about 45 minutes, came to an end in the cloister of St. Jerome. President Bush told journalists that he was greatly moved by this visit and added: “For us Christian believers there is no holier place.”