June 6th. The Chapter and Eucharist Faith | Custodia Terrae Sanctae

June 6th. The Chapter and Eucharist Faith

Our Custody Chapter, in its fourth day, found an original spiritual impulse in the meeting of the feast of Corpus Christi. In the morning at the Eucharistic celebration, the Friars lived moments of intense meditation. Father George, who presided at the liturgy, offered a profound reflection on the mysterious sense of history, in the light of the salvific action of God. From a superficial and terrestrial outlook, the tormented events lived today in the Middle East would seem to be characterized only by difficulties, wars, and every type of injustice. This secular vision could easily lead us to be discouraged and to become desperate. But, one needs to bring oneself to a superior level and to consider the sense of history in the light of faith. Using Tobias and Sarah as biblical models of inspiration, Fr. George highlighted the providential faithfulness of God, who through the contradictions of history carries to completion His promises. He reveals Himself as a God faithful to His word given to us. The Eucharist appears as the highest pledge and model of this faithfulness. In the Eucharist Jesus continues to be present in our midst, offering us His life.

In the first morning session the group work continued, and afterwards the chapter members came together in the main meeting hall. Here the four group leaders shared the fruits of their reflections on the capitular reports and on the instrumentum laboris, and also put forth some of the first proposals. Fr. Bruno Varriano reported on the work of the first group, which reflected on the report of the Father Custos. Fr. Michele Piccirillo reported on the work of the second group, which analyzed the report of the Secretariat for Evangelization. Fr. Severino Lubecki shared the reflections of the third group, which was occupied with the report of the Secretariat for Formation and Studies. Finally, Fr. Ramzi Sidawi was the spokesman for the fourth group, which studied the difficulties and problems that sometimes exist at the holy sites. In this manner, the main themes concerning the life of the Friars of the Holy Land were taken into consideration and examined. Immediately afterwards there was a lively first exchange of opinions and reflections among the chapter members. Also, the Father Custos intervened in the debate, offering information and clarifications. This was only the first round of reflections, however. We will return again to these arguments in the following days, in order to formulate proposals that, being refined and more precisely formulated by a special commission, will be put forth to the entire chapter assembly for approval.

In the early afternoon a good number of chapter members traveled to Jerusalem for the liturgical celebrations of Corpus Christi, which will continue tomorrow as well. At 3:30 p.m. we participated in the Solemn Entrance of the Coadjutor Bishop of Jerusalem, Monsignor Fouad Twal at the Holy Sepulcher. This was followed by Solemn Vespers and then by the Solemn Procession. This pause for prayer was certainly helpful for the reflection of the Chapter. The meditation on the Eucharist reveals to us the most intimate sense of our Christian and Franciscan vocation. St. Francis invites his Friars to find in the Eucharist the model of true humility founded on the example of Christ: “O wonderful loftiness and stupendous dignity! O sublime humility! O humble sublimity! The Lord of the universe, God and the Son of God, so humbles Himself that for our salvation He hides Himself under an ordinary piece of bread! Brothers, look at the humility of God, and pour out your hearts before Him! Humble yourselves that you may be exalted by Him!” (Letter to the Entire Order, 27-28) Despite our poverty, in the Eucharist the Lord continues to live in His Church, with a faithfulness that surprises and encourages us. The meeting with this constant sacramental presence, which makes us participants of the eternal Love, allows us to discover always more the beauty of communion with God!