An Orchestra of German Doctors in the Hall of the Immaculate Virgin | Custodia Terrae Sanctae

An Orchestra of German Doctors in the Hall of the Immaculate Virgin

26th May 2008

In Hamburg, Germany, there is an Ärzteorchester, an orchestra of doctors, conducted by Thilo Jaques. The doctors in Hamburg have not decided to devote themselves to music therapy; they have found a way of relaxing from the stress of their profession: they spend one evening a week rehearsing. And every year they do a foreign tour.

This year they have chosen to come to Jerusalem, the city which, perhaps more than any other, needs music therapy to heal its wounds. For good reason the Hamburg doctors called their journey "The Sound of Peace".

To make their intentions even clearer, they involved both the Magnificat choir of the Custody of the Holy Land and the Alei Gefen choir of Tel Aviv. The former is made up of Palestinian singers and volunteers from all over the world; the second, of Israeli singers, who also come from all over the world.

After the orchestral part of the program, all together this huge choir, which just sixty years ago was divided by ideologies of war, began to sing a Kyrie by Mozart and a Stabat Mater by Schubert, invoking the mercy of the one God: Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison.

A wave of emotion rippled through the large audience, evoking the grief of the Woman at Calvary. The sorrow of mothers has no ideologies, no colour, no geography.