Works on Mount Nebo | Custodia Terrae Sanctae

Works on Mount Nebo

In order to protect the ruins and the beautiful mosaic pavements unearthed in the Basilica of Moses and to give space to the pilgrims who wished to gather in prayer in the sanctuary dedicated to the Prophet and Lawgiver, the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land in the year 1963 had erected a temporary roofing which has raised many concerns in recent years because of its instability due to soil movements. Therefore, we have decided to substitute the old roofing with a new structure more durable and more convenient to the historical and religious purposes of the sanctuary. The final proposal of the new shelter prepared by our team of architects has been based on the premise of improving the existing shelter, as suggested by international experts.

During the work the Church and the adjacent area will be closed.
To help us in this work and for security reasons, please follow strictly the suggested path to reach the western terrace (No. 5) of the Byzantine monastery to enjoy the biblical view of the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea, Jericho and Jerusalem.

The Mountain of Nebo and the Sanctuary of Moses with their history can be shown and explained inside the Mount Nebo Interpretation Centre (No. 3).

Groups of pilgrims can attend liturgical celebrations in the Rest House (No. 4) adjacent to the Interpretation Centre.

In the tent raised in the eastern paved square of the sanctuary near the Interpretation Centre are shown important mosaic floors found on Mount Nebo and recently restored by the Franciscan Archaeological Institute (No. 2): the upper mosaic floor of the Chapel of Priest John (mid-6th century) and the mosaic floor of the Church of Saint George (536 A.D.).

Our goal is that the sanctuary remain a source of peace and reconciliation in the name of the Prophet to whom the Basilica is dedicated.

We thank you for your attention and cooperation.

The Franciscan Community on Mount Nebo