Washington D.C. - Commissariat of the Holy Land
Commissariat of the Holy Land
Franciscan Monastery
1400 Quincy St. N.E.
Washington D.C. 20017-3087
Tel: +1 202 / 526.6800
Fax: +1 202 / 529.9889
website: Franciscan Monastery http://www.myfranciscan.org/
- Guardian’s Office
Tel: +1. 202 / 526.68.00 ext. 887
Fax: +1. 202 / 529.98.50
- Commissariat of the Holy Land
+1. 202 / 526.68.00 ext. 887 (commissary)
+1. 202 / 526.68.00 ext. 666 (secretary)
+1. 202 / 526.68.00 ext. 434 (Vice-commissary)
Fax: +1. 202 / 529.98.50
- Franciscan Holy Land Foundation
+1. 202 / 269.54.30 (commissary)
+1. 202 / 269.54.65 (offices)
+1. 202 / 529.98.91 (reception)
Fax: +1. 202 / 526.35.27
website: www.ffhl.org
- Guardianship
- Vocational Centre
- Residence “Martha and Maria”
Martha and Mary House
91 Willow Oak Ave
Ocean View, DE 19970
Delaware – USA