The first day of the Franciscan March in the Holy Land | Custodia Terrae Sanctae

The first day of the Franciscan March in the Holy Land

Thursday, 4th August

On this first day of the Franciscan March, we set out - friars, sisters and lots of young people from the Palestinian territories and Israel - with joy, leaving our work, occupations and families to meet and start off on a path with St. Francis to the source of life, which is also the name of our march. Some young Palestinians encountered difficulties to obtain a permit to leave the territories and for some it was their first journey to Galilee, which lasted almost four hours.

On arriving in the village of Der Hanna, the town, with the local priest, gave us a very warm and enthusiastic welcome. We began to sing and dance and learn new songs. At around half past five, we celebrated the first mass on our path of faith. At the end of the Holy Mass, Brother Badia blessed the Tau crosses and together with the parish priest, gave them to all of us. We then split up into various groups, as there were very many young people of different ages and each group got to know one another. The village offered us a delicious dinner which was both copious and tasty.

At about nine in the evening we once again gathered together in the church for a spiritual vigil guided by Brother Raffaele. At the end, we celebrated with songs and being joyful together and took leave of one another with a good night prayer.

Everyone went to rest so that they resume the long walk of the second day!