11 Luglio 2019 | Custodia Terrae Sanctae

Fourth day of the Chapter

The fourth day of the Chapter began with the celebration of Holy Mass, this time presided over by the Apostolic Nuncio of Israel and Apostolic Delegate for Jerusalem and Palestine, Msgr. Leopoldo Girelli; in the celebration, the memory of St. Benedict was commemorated giving praise to two saints, St. Benedict and St. Francis, who found two different ways of living their faith. In renouncing worldly life, the former devoted himself to prayer, preaching and work, within the monastery; while the latter, through the donation of one's life in the streets of the world. It was to us Franciscans that he turned his best wishes so that we can learn from these great figures of saints, in particular from our father Saint Francis, to give life in a total way, as God himself did and continues to do for each of us.
Work began in the Chapter hall at 9.00 am with the presentation of the Secretariats of two Commissions: the first by the Missions and Evangelization, followed by that for the Holy Places. After which the friars continued the discussion on the reports heard by dividing into groups, which they then brought back in the hall on the first afternoon session. In the last session of the day, the Chapter friars again participated in the presentation of two reports: of the Human Resources Department and finally of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation. The Chapter members have arrived at the heart of the week and are preparing to have tomorrow morning the election of the Discretes that will form the new Government of the Custody with the Father Custos and the Vicar.