14 luglio 2019 | Custodia Terrae Sanctae

Seventh chapter day


On this Sunday the Chapter’s activities was suspended to make room for the jubilee celebrations for the friars who celebrates the anniversaries of priesthood and solemn profession. The Mass was presided by Father Frederic Manns, a scholar of the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum. The homily was delivered by Fr. Giuseppe Ferrari, who thanked the Lord for the gift of perseverance for him and the other friars who celebrated their various anniversaries, and invites the younger friars to see in this the constant presence of God who never leaves those who choose to follow Him. In his homily he pointed out that the difficulties and moments of anxiety are not lacking, but despite everything, what prevails is the joy of living within a path of consecration and giving of one's life.

During the afternoon some friars, led by Fra Alessandro Coniglio, left for an excursion to the City of David and in the Hezekiah tunnel, which many have never visited. At 6:30pm, at the auditorium of Notre Dame, another invitation was opened to all the Capitulars to attend a show presented by the children of the two schools of the Custody of the Holy Land in collaboration with some Italian volunteers and artists, invited by ft. Ibrahim Faltas for a collaboration which started a few years ago. The show, which focused on the theme on the life of St. Francis and the birth of the Mission of the Custody of Holy Land, was the conclusion of a summer camp with the young and children of the old city.

Finally, the day ended at the Christian Information Center (CIC), where fr. Tomasz Dubiel, its head, welcomed all the Chapter friars to inaugurate the totally renovated building and to present the multimedia rooms of the new museum complex that will allow pilgrims and visitors to relive the last hours of the earthly experience of Jesus Christ and to prepare for the visit to the Holy Sepulcher. The dinner was prepared on the terrace of the Center at the new cafeteria in an incredible location.