The 2008 Franciscan March in Lebanon | Custodia Terrae Sanctae

The 2008 Franciscan March in Lebanon

26th August - 2nd September. The Francisca March has started again, after a break of two years due to the political situation in the country. It was almost like beginning from scratch, as though it were the first time for Lebanon… A total of 54 people took part and it was held in the region of Kissirwan-Ftouh Kissirwan, developing the topic of “On the paths of reconciliation” (Human and spiritual itinerary on reconciliation with oneself, the other and God). The days, which included two hours and a half of walking, made easier by the good weather, were marked by Holy Mass, prayers in the morning and evening, the meeting for reflection and animation with religious songs. In the evening there was always a celebration with the local inhabitants, often with the presentation of scenes from the life of St. Francis.

The wonderful experience of the mission in the homes and the intensity with which the sacrament of the Reconciliation was celebrated are to be emphasized. Sharing the thoughts and emotions aroused by approaching Confession highlighted the joy of many recoveries achieved by grace. One girl said that she had confessed completely for the first time, without concealing anything from the Lord: “The Holy Mass I attended was the most beautiful I have ever experienced in my whole life. I really appreciated,” she added “how good the Lord is.”

For us friars, the experience of the March takes us back to the mission of “fishers of men” and we think that the young people were pleased to have been caught by Him. During the final meeting, the young people asked us to pray to support the perseverance with which they want to look after and nurture the new life that has been born in their hearts from the experience of this March. They also asked to become involved in activities that help them keep the same spirit, thus consolidating the good intentions expressed. And I promised them both things.

Immediately after this March in Lebanon, together with Fr. Rami Asakrieh, and with a small group made up of young Lebanese and Jordanians, we are planning and committing ourselves to supporting the March which will begin in Syria on 6th September, at the end of which the programme will be drawn up for the pastoral year with the young Lebanese.

I entrust to you, dear Brothers near and far, my mission as Vocational Animator and all these young people who have started out on a new path with Francis, and I humbly ask you to pray strongly for me and for each one of them.

We sincerely thank the Father Custos, Fr. Pierbattista; all the Provincials who sent Friars and Sisters to work on this March; and the Clarissa sisters of Yarzeh for their prayers which accompanied us. And thanks also to Fr. Rami Asakrieh and all the young people who took part!

Fr. Ibrahim Sabbagh ofm
Vocational Animator - Lebanon