Chapter of Mats Under ten – 9 | Custodia Terrae Sanctae

Chapter of Mats Under ten – 9

The friars left Nazareth very early and arrived at 9 am at Jerusalem. At the Mount of Olives they celebrated Eucharist in the Basilica of Getsemani, presided by the General Definitor br. Amaral Bernardo Amaral.

“A visit in this site – he said – teaches us that it is not enough to have made the profession once: it is necessary to keep the fire burning within, and to protect the first love. This site of human frailty, betrayal and abandon makes us reflect how important it is to hold fast to our profession of faith in Jesus, our Master”.

After a refreshment offered by the local community between the olive trees of their garden the friars entered the Old City of Jerusalem in procession through Lions Gate, singing praises to the Lord in their languages. Arrived at the Basilica of the Resurrection they were welcomed by the Custos , br. Pierbattista Pizzaballa, and the Jerusalem brothers with a Solemn Entrance.

After the Te Deum and the asperges the Custos greeted all the brothers and encouraged them to remain faithful in their faith in the Risen Lord.
After lunch at Casa Nova the friars, divided in linguistic groups, returned to the Holy Sepulcher guided by some friars of the Custody, then they participated at the Via Crucis through the narrow streets of the Old City.

At the end of the day, the English and Italian language groups were transferred to Ain Karem, were they were located at the community while the others stayed in “Maria Bambina House” next to St. Saviour.