The Feast of the dedication of the Holy Sepulchre | Custodia Terrae Sanctae

The Feast of the dedication of the Holy Sepulchre


The Feast of the dedication of the Holy Sepulchre
Vicar of the Custody of the Holy Land


“The Holy Sepulchre is a bit like descriptions of purgatory: suffering in pain – a pain because it is hard to come here, but there is nothing that can or will stop Christians coming to the heart of their faith.”

On 15th July 1149, the Crusaders celebrated the 50th anniversary of the conquest of Jerusalem with the opening the new basilica of the Holy Sepulchre, after a complete restoration. This event is remembered today, right in front of the Edicule that preserves Christ’s empty tomb.
On the Sunday morning at 6.30 am, Fr. Artemio Vitores celebrated the Mass of the Dedication of the Holy Sepulchre. Together with the concelebrants and many pilgrims, the liturgy was conducted in a solemn and contemplative atmosphere. In rapid sequence, the readings presented the figure of Christ humiliated and then laid down in the tomb, resting in hope.… The gospel, which was read in Latin, announced that the Son of God was no longer amongst the dead, since he had unlocked the chains of death and of the tomb, as he had foretold.
This was a celebration that renewed the joy of Easter, by allowing all those present to re-experience the Pascal mystery of Christ, who was sacrificed for us and thus, according to the words of the Preface, “destroyed death and renewed life in us”.

Vicar of the Custody of the Holy Land

“The entire Christian life can be summarized by this: Christ died for our sins and resurrected for our salvation. Calvary and the Holy Sepulchre. Here on Calvary, the Church is born. This is the point called the “navel of the world”, Kilometer Zero. All the highways in the world start from here, the Holy Father, the cathedrals, the bishops, the faithful Christians, the pastoral ministry. This year, which will see the start the year of Faith, we cannot but proclaim what we have seen and heard. And what did we see? That He is not here; don’t be afraid”.