Graffiti on Latin parish cemetery wall | Custodia Terrae Sanctae

Graffiti on Latin parish cemetery wall

The pastor of the Latin parish, Fra Feras Hejazin, and his vicar, Fra Haitham Yalda, went to the parish cemetery on the morning of Tuesday, October first, after having been informed by the watchman that the site had been vandalized. Once on site, the Franciscans could not help but see and deplore the vandalism. The Hebrew words “tag mehir” (“price tag” in English) was written on one of the walls, while an incomplete word was written on another, indicating that the guilty parties had perhaps been interrupted. In addition, each of the seven cars that were parked at the cemetery had two of their tires slashed.

“Whoever is responsible, this vandalism must stop. We Christians live in this city and we want to live here in peace, in life and in death,” declared Father Feras.

The Custody vigorously denounces any attack on any religious site, no matter who is responsible, “Jews, Muslims or Christians,” Father Feras continued.

This incident joins what can only be called a sad series of past incidents in which the Custody has already been targeted. It calls on the appropriate authorities to put in motion the means and discourse necessary so that Jerusalem and the entire Holy Land can live its vocation to radiate the peace that God desires for everyone.