It's Christmas Once Again! | Custodia Terrae Sanctae

It's Christmas Once Again!

Not with standing the heavy and difficult environment caused by social and political issues that also involve the entire world, here too, the Christian communities of Bethlehem got ready to celebrate a Holy Christmas.
Under the banner of hope in the heart of the Holy Land, begins the long night that will keep the promise of His arrival: His Christmas and our Christmas.
The intricate rites and rituals of the Midnight Mass are followed, a celebration long awaited by local faithful and pilgrims from all the world. The Mass was celebrated in Saint Catherine Church by the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, H.B. Fouad Twal and concelebrated by bishops and priests.

The birth of this Child, so seemingly insignificant, to the point that there was no room for Him and He was born in an improvised place, manifests itself once again in a human way, humble and hidden, to accomplish His project of Salvation, our Salvation.
From this moment, right here in Bethlehem, the history of mankind is transformed.
If we are able to run, as the shepherds did, following the light that leads us to a treasure hidden in swaddling clothes, to discover a Child and adore Him, amazed and faithful as the shepherds were, we will be able to live every day as a Christmas Day.