June 11th: The conclusion of the Chapter | Custodia Terrae Sanctae

June 11th: The conclusion of the Chapter

The Custody Chapter, which began on June 3rd, has come to a conclusion. Today’s work consisted of three fundamental parts. The first part was the visit of Monsignor Sabbah, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, and his Coadjutor, Monsignor Twal. After greetings from the Father Custos , the Patriarch delivered an articulate and dense discourse to the chapter members. Above all he wanted to express his gratitude to the local Church for the defense of the Holy Sites and for the pastoral service carried out by the Franciscan Friars. He then underlined the essential link that exists between the Holy Sites and the Diocese. The Patriarch discussed the pastoral necessities of the Church, and how to improve ways of efficaciously confronting the immediate needs of the people. Our lands are marked by a very tough situation, scarred by conflicts and suffering. The Church, with all of her components, is called to develop a plan of Christian pacification, which can only be the fruit of a renewed Evangelization. It is up to us to help the people on this road to reconciliation. Monsignor Sabbah then gave a penetrating reflection on formation and on priestly ministry, indicating concrete ways to improve pastoral practice, as well as ways to sustain a priestly spirituality.

The second important part of the day was the approval on the part of the Chapter of the deliberations and final proposals. The various proposals, concerning the life of faith, the fraternity, and the mission, were all approved almost unanimously, pointing out a shared vision among all the chapter members. The approval of every article was preceded by a debate in the assembly, which permitted slight modifications and a touching up of the texts put before the members by the Chapter Commission. The future walk of the Custody will largely depend on these articles and their being put in force. The third part was in the evening, where the Chapter concluded with the celebration of Vespers in the Church of St. Catherine. The Custos , meditating on Luke’s account of the disciples of Emmaus, gave his concluding message to the Friars. The Chapter was certainly a time of grace, in which the Holy Spirit conducted us to scrutinize the signs of the times in order to respond to the question: “Lord, what do you want us to do in the Holy Land?” The dramatic and providential times in which we live demand that we have an open attitude in front of the world, trying to find in the word of God the light that allows us to understand the deep sense of history. Like the disciples of Emmaus, we have not been spared fatigue from the walk, doubts, torments, and even the temptation to despair. But the Lord wants us to walk in the midst of these difficulties and challenges, in order to recognize Him as present and working in our midst. The itinerary of Gospel faith always supposes spiritual discernment, which makes us perceive divine wisdom and which guides our every step. Also the most materialistic events, seemingly far removed from the faith, are in reality an invitation to discover the power of the love of God, which permeates everything. The Chapter demonstrated to us that despite our human weakness, the certainty of the faith is rooted in our hearts. In the next three years we must walk together, accomplishing the mission that the Lord entrusted to us. Concretely, we have in front of us three great areas in which we must develop a tangible life project. We must perfect the quality of our life of faith, develop an efficacious plan of permanent formation, and finally, work always more effectively in the field of Evangelization. All of this will be possible if we know how to conform and harmonize our choices to the example of Him who loved us, giving His life for us. The final wish of this Chapter is to fully know the love of the Lord.