The Magic Lamp: a concert of unpublished Arabic songs for children. | Custodia Terrae Sanctae

The Magic Lamp: a concert of unpublished Arabic songs for children.

For the last nine years the Magnificat Institute of Jerusalem has organized "The Magic Lamp",
a concert of unpublished Arabic songs for children, that the music school of the Custody of the Holy Land curates in all its aspects: from the composition of the songs (entrusted to teachers and friends of the Magnificat) to the live performance.

The publication of the music scores, harmonized by Fr. Armando Pierucci, speaks to the need to build up a repertoire for children to be distributed in Arab schools.

On Friday, March 22 spectators filled the Auditorium of St. Saviour’s in Jerusalem enjoying the colorful traditional Palestinian costumes, and, more, the freshness of the songs performed by the Yasmeen Buds Choir, the Choir of the youngest students of the Magnificat directed by Miriam Younan, to the accompaniment of the Magnificat Spring Orchestra conducted by Robert Canetti with the participation of teachers Bella Pogosov, Fabienne van Eck and Evgeni Ratner.

Even the young singing soloists have excelled. The artistic director of the Magic Lamp is Maestro Hani Kreitem, who also played the piano.
The songs were animated with theatrical scenes performed by other schools in Jerusalem like the Holy Land School, St. Joseph School and the Pilar Sisters School. Particularely, the themes were related to the children's lives: the mother, the games, the school, nature, road safety, and peace, a deeply felt issue, here, in this part of the world.

And every year there is always something new: a part from the orchestra, enriched by new members playing new instruments, this edition saw, for the first time, the participation of an official presenter, the well-known journalist Eman Kassem Al Suleiman.

For the third consecutive year the production of the Magic Lamp was made possible by the support of the Italian Cooperation through the non-governmental organization AVSI.

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