Magnificat, an important acknowledgment | Custodia Terrae Sanctae

Magnificat, an important acknowledgment


Magnificat, an important acknowledgment

A new teaching resource that simultaneously represents an important judicial recognition for the Magnificat Institute in Jerusalem: the Italian Ministry of Instruction, Universities and Research has put into place along with Magnificat first-level piano and organ academic courses and second-level Sacred Music courses. In other words, the music school of Custodia Terra Santa has direct access to the highest level of instrumental instruction and can issue university degrees recognized in the entire European Union.

This attainment was possible thanks to the new agreement that the Ministry of Instruction and the Magnificat Institute drew up in Rome this past June 26, represented by Riccardo Ceriano and the Conservatory of Venice, represented by its director Enrico Pisa, in the presence of the undersecretary of State Elena Ugolini and of the general director of the Alta Formazione Artistica e Muicale Giorgio Bruno Civello.

Direttore generale AFAM
(Alta Formazione Artistica Musicale e Coreutica)

This is a protocol of intense importance, especially because it allows the Conservatory of Vicenza to have an international outlet and that the quality of the content that was an objective of the agreement, because it highlights the need for formation in Sacred Music. Considering that the courses that will be started up, are defined within the Italian system, for all intensive purposes the students that will attend these courses will have Italian degrees with full validity in the whole of Europe.
A special consideration was reserved to the second-level academic corse in Sacred Music. The intent is to deepen the liturgical and musical repertoire of the various Christian confessions in the only place in the world, Jerusalem, where they are still carried out on a daily basis.

Undersecretary MIUR (Italian Ministry of Instruction, Universities and Research)

Why Jerusalem? Why the Magnificat Institut? Because Jerusalem is the heart of the world and inside this city different religions and traditions come together. Every religion has its musical traditions and there is no better place in the world where one can directly meet the traditional music of these different religions. We know that music is a universal language and it is a key to access to the heart of man and culture. It is for this reason that the Magnificat Institute, in union with an important conservatory like the one in Vicenza, will be able to contribute because at the heart of the matter is that music be able to battle and give an opportunity to young people in all countries, especially Palestinian youth who attend this institute.

The institution of these academic courses coincides with the Magnificat Institute’s 18th anniversary: it was in fact in 1995 when the native of the region of the Marches in Italy, P. Armando Pierucci, founded the school that he is still in charge of. The school is located in the San Salvatore Convent and is the only musical institute inside the walls of Jerusalem’s Old City.