The new Patriarch for the Armenian Orthodox | Custodia Terrae Sanctae

The new Patriarch for the Armenian Orthodox

Nourhan Manoogian is the 97th Patriarch of Jerusalem’s Armenian Apostolic Church. Elected on January 24, after two days of prayer and meetings, he is succeeding His Beatitude Torkom II, who passed away last October.
The new Patriarch, who was born in Aleppo in 1948, has served and Grand Sacristan for the Armenian Patriarchate of the Holy City and in 2009 he also served as Patriarchal Vicar.
The task given to him is to be one of the main guardians of the Holy places—a role that is shared with the Franciscans for the Roman Catholic Church and with the Greek Orthodox—but he is also called to be the pastor of a community that today includes about 10 thousand faithful. 2000 of them live in Jerusalem