The students of the Magnificat in concert for the musical season at the Mormon University | Custodia Terrae Sanctae

The students of the Magnificat in concert for the musical season at the Mormon University


The Magnificat traditional appointment with the public in the most beautiful hall in Jerusalem, the Brigham Young University hall, known as the Mormon University, a real feast for youth and musicians. The Magnificat presented its students, from the youngest, as Ireen Kort, 8 years old, to the older ones, like Nadia Tadros, 20 years old; following one listened to all its teaching sections: the violins and the flutes, the piano and the guitar, the solo singing and Yasmeen choir, the spring orchestra and the chamber orchestra directed by maestro Robert Canetti. More than 60 artists, students and professors, who successfully worked for this event, one of the most waited ones this year.
In fact, both the BY University stage management, and the people in the Magnificat give a lot of importance to this autumn meeting : the Mormons of Jerusalem have for years been working in sustaining musical activities in the Middle Eastern region. For example once or twice a week they give opportunities to artists to perform in front of a large and qualified public, as the present one, meeting in their prestigious hall on the Mount of Olives. From this point of view they completely share the Magnificat's objectives , renewing for the past 7 years the invitation to participate at their prestigious concert season. Year after year the public can see how the Custody's Holy Land Music school is developing and becoming more mature. The presence of two Magnificat orchestras , the " spring" orchestra and the chamber orchestra, clearly shows how the rhythm of growth is not decreasing, more ever it really wants to reach excellency goals. At the end of the concert the Yasmeen choir conducted by Lina Pudžiuvelytė sang the Magnificat hymn, composed by Jiries Boullata (former student and now teacher in the school), who accompanied the choir and orchestra playing the piano.
Photo: The Magnificat