Traditions honored with Belgium | Custodia Terrae Sanctae

Traditions honored with Belgium

On Sunday, November 13, the Custody honored the ties that unite it to Belgium by celebrating a mass for the king.

The Belgian Consul General Jans Bruno sat in the first row. For the last three years, and as he begins his fourth year, he has represented Belgium in Jerusalem and Palestine. But this year, His Excellency Olivier Belle, the Ambassador of Belgium to Israel was also present. Most recently, since November 8, he presented his diplomatic correspondence to President Reuven Rivlin.

It was the first time that he took part in such a celebration in Jerusalem; this is one of the singularities of the city of Jerusalem, which brings together the four “Latin nations that are protectors of the Christian communities” in order for them to receive the honors of the liturgy, as a way of thanking them for their actions, both past and present.

Fr. Christian Eeckhout, a Dominican from the Ecole Biblique, gave the homily, reminding the congregation that man has a future if he cooperates with God.
Consular masses usually conclude with a time of sharing and with some beverages and sweets. And on this sunny Sunday, the whole tradition was embraced.