Conferences about the journey of Rustici at the Custodial library | Custodia Terrae Sanctae

Conferences about the journey of Rustici at the Custodial library

Tomorrow, February 11th, two conferences will be held at St. Saviour Convent on the occasion of the publication of the manuscript of Marco Rustici journey from Florence to Jerusalem.

Marco Rustici is a Florentine goldsmith who lived in the fifteenth century. He wrote a detailed travelogue from Florence to Jerusalem. "We do not know if he really went to Jerusalem or whether he was inspired by other sources, says Professor Edoardo Barbieri, one of the event organizers. Rustici takes advantage of this story to gather the knowledge of that time, share his worldview, like an encyclopedia. It speaks of rhetoric, animals, religion, etc. Subsequently, he completed his writings with numerous drawings characteristic of the Renaissance in Florence. Also he is a contemporary of the Council of Florence, which proclaimed the unity between Rome and the Eastern Churches. This text is extremely interesting from a spiritual point of view as well. "

The publication of this book late 2015 is a noteworthy event because it is the first time the manuscript is published. Two books have been put together: one reproduces the photos of manuscripts, and the other contains the translated text with comments on the sources. A copy of each of these volumes, offered to the Custody's Library, will be presented during the conference.

A selection of other old travel books to Jerusalem will also be exposed.

Thursday, February 11, 2016, 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Opening speech by brother Lionel Goh OFM, director of the Library of the Custody of the Holy Land
"Difficulties and problems of the journey to the Holy Land in the fifteenth century" by Eugenio Alliata OFM (Studium Biblicum Franciscanum)
"The journey of Marco di Bartolomeo Rustici to Jerusalem" by Edoardo Barbieri (Università Cattolica di Milano)

The lectures will be in Italian, with English translations
Free entry
Saint Francis Hall, in the lobby of the Curia
Saint Saviour Convent, New Gate - Jerusalem

This edition by the publisher Olschki of Florence, was made ​​possible by the interest of the Seminary Library in Florence and the support of the Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze.
To learn more about the editing of this manuscript by Olschki editions: